The Vlad books are a series of children’s books illustrated by myself and written by my mum Kate Cunningham. Independently published through Reading Riddle, we tell the story of important historical events from the perspective of Vlad the flea and his animal friends. This started in the summer after my GCSEs and has gone on to become a yearly project combining historical information through narrative storytelling in a way that’s perfect for children looking to contextualise and further their understanding of history. This is why the books, particularly the great fire book, have become a popular resource for primary school teachers across the UK and continue to grow in popularity. Vlad and the Florence Nightingale Adventure is sold in the Florence Nightingale Museum shop and has garnered a strong relationship with the museum. Vlad and the Space Race was also shortlisted for the 2020 Selfies book awards in the best children’s book category. For more information and resources be sure to check out the Reading Riddle website linked below.